Work Well. Live Well.
Don't just suck it up.
Think differently.
51. Five Specific Techniques for Excellent Presentations with Ross Fisher
50. The Iceman and The Wedge with Scott Carney
49. A Novel Approach to Nasal Congestion
48. Skill Decay
47. COVID Infection and Vaccine Safety in Pregnancy
46. Strategies to De-Stress Your Nervous System
45. The Story Behind COVID Vaccines and Brain Blood Clots
44. A First Hand Account of the Beirut Explosion and Mass Casualty
43. How to Not Take Things Personally
42. Tough Love and Social Capital with Jim Adams, MD
41. Cognitive Reframing
40. Effect of a single vaccine dose with and without previous COVID infection
39. Vinay Prasad Wants to Flip Your Vote (about medicine)
38. How To Meditate
37. Stress Inoculation
36. UK COVID Variant Explained
35. Life, Death, and Medicine
34. Tylenol, Sleep, and Antibody Response. COVID vaccine side effects.
33. Understanding Willpower and Habits
32. The COVID Mortality Score (VACO)